In the year 1977, George Lucas
released the first of six movies that would shape culture like no film had ever
done before. And it all started with that famous line, “A long time ago, in a
galaxy far, far away…”
mother was six years old when the first Star Wars movie was played in theatres.
She loves to tell us stories about her excitement when her parents took her to
see the movie. Ever since then, our family has passed the joy and thrill of
watching these timeless films over and over again.
Lucas created these films, did he intend to change society as much as he did?
The story of Luke, a young boy living with his aunt and uncle, with no
knowledge of who his real parents may be, is captivating – we instantly find
ourselves pulled into his life. When greatness is suddenly thrust upon him, we
watch, biting our nails, to see how he responds to the situations he finds
himself in. The plot, characters, and settings provide a scope for the
imagination that is hard to find elsewhere.
then we see the second half of the six-movie compilation that Lucas created; we
see this innocent boy, Anakin, slowly transform into the villain he will
become. In agony we see the small choices he makes and how they advance his
deterioration into a monster that will haunt the universe.
quickly and effortlessly captured the depravity of the human soul in six films.
Our jealousy and passion for things we think we need can so easily drive us
across the line that separates the good from the evil. The easiest choice is
often the choice that will begin the process of degrading our moral values; if
we are not willing to take the rough, rocky road and learn the lessons that it
has to teach us, what have we become? Ever do we desire to take the smooth and
straight path – we fear to injure ourselves on Life’s bumpy road. If we go the
way Anakin went, trying to take the easier path, we will turn ourselves into
naught but monsters.
fear not, humankind – the bumpy road is not nearly as hard as it seems! With
the right attitude and outlook, you can go far. Determination is always better
than riches or power, and hard work will take you farther than anything else.
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